Space to mix styles


at the big farm

Vivi and Henrik live at the beautiful farm Ædelgavegaard, located on the outskirts of Smidstrup Strand by the old fishing village of Gilleleje in Denmark. The house was built back in 1905. You enter the farm through the beautiful, old, preserved carriage gate. The main house measures 2,658 ft2 (247 m2) and has two floors plus a cellar of 1,076 ft2 (100 m2). The old stable buildings have been preserved and offer an additional 3,229 ft2 (300 m2). The main house and the stables create the frame for the most wonderful and cozy enclosed courtyard where wonderful, wild, purple lupines grow in the summer. The giant fig tree breaks up the facade of one of the stable buildings and adds more life to the courtyard. There is also an old pig house measuring 1,506 ft2 (140 m2) and the most wonderful orangery made of old windows with muntins from a Swedish farm.

Many years ago, the previous owners carefully restored and updated most parts of the house, including the interior design of the first floor with its big, open rooms which is what the couple fell in love with. As they don’t have children, the couple didn’t really need that many rooms so the lay-out was a perfect fit. They could move right into their new home but the house did – in their opinion – need a bit of TLC. They also prepared everything for the store "Lopper & Co" which they manage together in their spare time.

The home clearly shows that Vivi has a big passion for interior design. She likes the raw and rustic expression, and she combines that with more polished countryside elements. Some of the furniture is original and that adds soul and charm to the home. Henrik also likes the rustic and raw style but he prefers the more classic, Danish design. That’s why the interior design is a combination of all these styles that makes both of them feel at home.

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