Brocante home in Sweden

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We’re taking you along to visit an absolutely unique place which is located in the middle of Sweden in peaceful and beautiful natural surroundings. This house was constructed in 1904 and it was used as a school building until 1955. After that, it was used as the local village hall until Ricard Cederberg bought it in 2014. The house measures no less than 3,875 ft2 (360 m2) and Ricard lives in one half of the building. He’s created two rental apartments in the other half.

This home is furnished with nothing but antiques which is also how Richard makes a living. He picks up his antiques in France, Belgium, Hungary, Antarctica, USA and Marrakesh, and when he buys items for his store, he goes for all kinds of styles so that he’s got something for everyone.

He only furnishes his own home with unique items such as the chandelier above the dining table. It’s made of iron and weighs 90 lb (45 kg). The baroque table was made in the 1800s. The special candleholder on the table is from France and the clock is from Sweden. All these antiques turn the home into a very personal place. It’s obvious that the antiques are from various countries but they’ve been arranged in such a way that everything fits together and creates a beautiful cohesion in the interior design. The colors are also harmonious, featuring shades of beige, gray and blue combined with gold and just a few brown items. If you have an eye for it, you can easily mix things.

Richard has been working in this trade and hunting for beautiful treasures for the past 31 years, including a job in an auction house. His life is all about his beloved antiques and he often travels throughout Europe to buy goods. He has everything delivered to Sweden in big containers and then he sells the items to various stores.


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