Anna`s Christmas

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Anna lives in Sweden with her Norwegian husband and she has six children and two wonderful grandchildren. The couple lives in a countryside home close to the town of Uppsala and they built the house themselves. Family is very important to Anna and being able to gather the entire family – old and young – for Christmas makes her heart sing. She loves it when all the generations meet up. Her grandfather and her mother-in-law also visit for Christmas.

Anna adores the French/Nordic country style where rustic elements are mixed with airy and romantic items in neutral colors. Anna finds lots of treasures at flea markets across the country and she usually ends up having to attach some piece of furniture to the roof of the car during family holidays. Nothing is quite as wonderful as old silverware combined with rustic wood and white chinaware, or? All Anna’s Christmas decoration items are stored in a pile of old suitcases during most of the year and when Anna opens the suitcases in October, it’s like opening the door to a beloved treasury. Amongst many other things, you’ll find an impressive collection of cake pans because Anna loves to bake for the entire family.

Everything needed for wrapping the Christmas presents is exhibited as part of the Christmas spirit. Baskets and boxes full of ribbons, cards, scraps, piles of wrapping paper – and the wrapped Christmas presents – are visible during the entire Christmas season like a small tableau, and all these things make family members of all ages very excited and curious. The Christmas trees are artificial and they are used year after year. Anna exchanges the decoration items now and again, and she keeps them in fine, old wooden boxes so that she can use them again each year.

The entire house – even the bedroom and the guest room – oozes of Christmas, and you’ll find wreaths and Christmas trees in every single corner. In the picture of the cozy alcove shown above, you can see all Anna’s suitcases with all her Christmas decoration items. The hatboxes on the floor are also full of Christmas decoration items. The landing offers a small sitting area with a nice view where you can enjoy the peace and quiet whilst wrapping presents or writing Christmas cards.

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